Assignment photography is the style of photography that really appeals to my problem solving and competitive nature. I really enjoy making images in diverse and challenging conditions. Assignment photography is the opposite of portrait photography, it's fast paced, higher pressure, adverse conditions and very much "go with the flow".
There are no restrictions on assignment photography, it can have portrait elements, event coverage, indoor or outdoor lighting, commercial or even industrial flavours. Assignment photography can be documenting a special event, photo database creation (short or long term timeframes), or advertising driven.
I like this genre of photography because it is dynamic, challenges me to think differently and most of all lets creatively really come to the fore front.
There are no set patterns, styles or guidelines for assignment photography; the more off the wall and challenging the better.
Assignment photography can be real estate photos, special event coverage, website images, fundraising, etc.
© Superior Images - Jarron Childs Photography